Membership Information
Try us out as a Guest
You wouldn’t buy a car without a test drive – why not do the same with NTSC? If you would like to learn more about the club, who we are and what we are all about, please considering coming out with us on a Day Trip or to one of our social activities. Guests are always welcome.
For more information, please contact
Sign up for our e-mail list and receive notice about our New Member Sign-up event the moment it is announced. New members are accepted on a first come, first served basis, typically in the early fall. There is no waiting list for future seasons.
North Toronto Ski Club Membership Includes:
A two-hour downhill ski, snowboard or cross country lesson on any scheduled Saturday and Sunday day trip from January to mid-March. Ski and snowboard lessons are also available on Wednesday trips, with lesson availability subject to instructor attendance. Typically there has been sufficient coverage over the past few years to ensure lessons are available to all on Wednesday trips.
We have over 70 enthusiastic and qualified ski and snowboard instructors just waiting to help you learn and improve your alpine and cross country skiing and snowboarding this year. Why not take advantage of the lessons to try other types of skiing opportunities and bring along a guest! Lessons are included with the guest fee.Admission to all scheduled general night socials – a great place to meet and get to know other members in a non-skiing atmosphere. Theme nights and information tables provide all the details you need to get you going and keep you going! Guests are always welcome.
The annual "Who’s Who" – a directory of club members, Directors, the constitution, policies and regulations of the Club.
Our 24-hour Information Line 416 763 9016. Every Monday our Information Line is updated with the socials, ski destinations, charter updates, etc. Following our Thursday night phone-in and sign-up for day trips, the Information Line is updated again to let you know when the buses will pick up at the desired location.
On-line access to our weekly e-newsletter information update. Click Here to be added to the distribution list.
On-line sign-up for day trips ensures a fast, efficient process to get you going every week!
Any questions? Email