Day Trips - Pick Up Locations
On trip days, you can catch the bus at any of the pickup points described below:
Merton Street
Pick up is directly in front of the NTSC clubhouse at 214 Merton Street. Merton Street is the first traffic light south of Davisville Avenue, and the clubhouse is between Yonge and Mount Pleasant. There are two pay parking lots on Merton east of Yonge. Be sure to place your parking receipt on your dash, because rumour has it that they tow cars in this area!
York Mills and Yonge
Pick up is on the east side of Yonge Street, just north of York Mills. Parking is available in the TTC lot on the north-west corner of Yonge and York Mills, immediately across the road. You are also responsible for any parking costs.
Note: Parking at the York Mills Subway parking lot is no longer free on weekends. The current weekend parking charge is $4/day.
On the return trip, drop-off is on the west side of Yonge, adjacent to the parking lot and immediately beside the subway entrance.
Note: There are other clubs that use this location as a pick-up point, so make sure you get on the right bus!
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Hwy #7 and 400 (The Commuter Parking Lot):
The third pick up point is the commuter parking area located on the south side of Hwy 7, west of the 400. Park on the "east side of the bridge closest to the 400" as this is easier for the bus to get back on the highway. This means the bus will only stop on this side and if people park on the other side of the bridge they will miss the bus or have to walk 500m or so.
Please follow the lots regulations and instructions. You are responsible to ensure you are in the right area and following their procedures. You are also responsible for any parking costs.
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